Indie-rock band Paradas shares intimate music video

UK indie-rock band Paradas had to take a different approach to their original ‘Lost cause’ music video concept than expected, due to the filming restrictions of the global pandemic.

Band Paradas add on, “We had a whole video planned out for this track in an abandoned warehouse, but the lockdown meant we had to take a more DIY approach! Luckily we had tonnes of videos from the studio and performing live which our bassist Cam put together for us and it came out quite nicely. Hope you enjoy it”

Exit Through Sound share their thoughts on the music video, “We think their solution was solid, and props to the videographer who took the time to capture the band in action. The music video footage is personal to the band and reminiscent of Kings Of Leon’s behind the scenes black and white footage for their music video ‘Use Somebody’.”

Paradas share footage of the band in the studio, and on stage, the use of their monochrome color scheme creates a more intimate effect that puts emphasis on the band’s relationships and   casual interactions with each other.

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